Saturday, February 13, 2010

My first trip with Ken was cancelled

Right now I should be on a plane headed to Chicago.  So why am I doing a blog post?

Because I was headed to Pune, India.  In case you may not have heard, a bomb went off in a busy area of the city earlier today.  This is an area with nice restaurants that I've been to on each of my visits. Here's a link to the story:

As I was getting ready to go to the airport, both my boss and my boss' boss called me to make sure I was ok.  When they found out I hadn't left yet, I was instructed to call corporate security.  They were watching the situation closely, had set up "nerve centers" at the Corporate offices, and at the Pune office, but said it was ok to continue on.  After checking in at the airport, my colleagues and I heard from corporate security  that they had just made the call to halt all company travel into India, so our trip was cancelled.

So here I am back at home.  Thanks to your recommendations, Ken is fully loaded with books and, truthfully, I was looking forward to this trip.  Usually I really don't look forward to long trips, but I had everything perfectly packed, and Ken was ready to go.  All that flight time with nothing to do but read, nap, eat, and watch a movie or two.  A brief respite from the mad busy-ness that fills my life.

When I got back in the car, I suggested to The Husband that perhaps I could sequester myself away in the guest room with my carry-on luggage and the mini-DVD player.  Periodically, he could offer me prepared meals, snacks, and frequent beverages.  I could then emerge from the room in 23 hours - at around the time I was scheduled to land in India.

You might be able to guess how popular that idea was.  Back to the normal routine for me....

I hope that things in Pune return to normal soon as well.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea of a trip in the guest room. Hope that you can stay home until things are safe. Assuming that they ever are.


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